Let’s get busy… is what I thought

Dev Log for Jun 2024, Week 23 & 24:


Got some more of that dirty code done last night. The character and deck choices now load properly into the level. It turns out I had to re-write part of the character resource to get it done, which in turn had me doing re-writes all the way through to the level. I was pretty happy with the fact that I was able to troubleshoot it with the help of the Godot debugger without having to get help. I think that was definitely a level up moment for me.
It also further cements in the idea of just getting it up and running first, then cleaning it up later (a part I still have to do on this lol). From here I’ll take everything that’s working and get it working with two players.


Lol, Godot read my last entry and decided it needed to put me in my place. So I’m slowly cleaning up the character select screen, which works fine in single player mode. Now I’m fighting to try and get 2 player functionality up. Or more accurately, passing the device ID to to the control node so it knows which player made the selection. This might take a beer.

Wednesday – Sunday:

I had issues. I may go into more detail about this after the convention stuff as a separate post, but safe to say it wasn’t dev related in the slightest. As much as I was trying to avoid the idea, I may need to just dedicate a week or two to getting the convention stuff totally knocked out. My concern is that having all this on my plate is dragging me down on all fronts.
On the good side though, it’s looking like Trinaught is working on some stuff on his end, so maybe that will help with a pincer attack.

So how did it go:

I wouldn’t rank this high up there unfortunately. I came in with high energy, but just have too much going on.

The whole-ass next week:

Well, it finally happened: I lost a week I could’ve been working on the game. I’d love to act surprised that it went down like that, but I’m not. I’ve tried re-writing this section a few times, but I’m not sure how personal to get. Safe to say I’m not thrilled to not be working on the game but have to satiate these last commitments. I think I’ll just leave it there for now.