Convention Bliss

Dev Log for Apr 2024, Week 16:

Lofty Goal:

I’m looking down the throat of a busy week, so lofty goal one is balance. I want to stay productive on all fronts, and not go crazy in the process.


I’m off to a productive start, just not with the game. handled a bunch of con stuff, cooked my food for the week in an effort to get my diet back on track (before blowing it in the best way) and finally got back in the gym. I also handled as much as I could for the window install tomorrow, so that’s in good shape. It’s about 7 right now, so let’s see if I can get some progress on the game going.

So I don’t think I got any of my hitlist stuff touched, but I did work on some graphics, as well as some baby steps towards project structure. I think I’m going to animate those buttons, if Godot doesn’t have something built in for it, I’ll hack something in there.
Today was a weird one for the game, I’m glad I got into it, but I felt kind of adrift too. I couldn’t tell you why, but if I had to guess I’d say I just need to get on a roll with it. I’ve been poking it from multiple angles, just haven’t gotten in a good flow with it yet.
…And we shall end the night with some git fuckery! Apparently when I installed the TODO plugin (awesome plugin btw), I pulled it into the wrong folder? So it went into the root, which also put his MIT license in the root. It’s whatever, but when I went to Github to make sure my commits took, it had the project marked as open source. So this led me to remove, which put the main in a future state which in turned freaked out the Git plugin (another awesome plugin), so I had to branch the project to get that back in a good state. I’ll get good at git one day (probably not).


Went through the whole window installation thing, which took it out of me a little. It’s 8 p,m, now, gonna chill for a minute and see if I get another wind.
For a final report: I did not achieve the second wind. Being old rocks.


Lost today to convention setup and UI on another project. I’m going to attempt to pay the time back tomorrow or Friday.


Man, I am not liking this trend. I’m going to try and hit it hard tomorrow.
But then again.
I could do something other than code, right? So, I decided to get down on some concept art instead. for at least the initial version, I think I got the characters roughed out, as well as the first 4 levels. I feel a little better after getting some of that done, but I still need to get some actual work done. I got the new humble bundle for Godot, it has a class on networking, which is the next part of this once basic gameplay is built, so I can playtest.

Friday & The mess of a weekend:

My time slipped away right about here. I stayed busy, just not on this angle. I ended up doing grass-toucher stuff, which was fun, don’t get me wrong, just not great for the ol’ update.

So how did it go:

Just gonna be real with you, this was not the best week for the game. I’m not going to beat myself up over it though. I did get some stuff done, and there was enough additional noise in the air that I could’ve honestly taken a pass on what I did do, and I’d be the only one mad about it.
Now following on the heels of that: I could’ve optimized my time more. So that will be a work in progress until I’ve got some of this additional noise dialed down.
As for the Lofty Goal? Man, I think the reality of that is I just have to slam through some of this Con stuff first. I don’t like the idea, but logically, I’m old hat at that stuff, so I’ve got the system down, whereas this is all new to me, and needs more focus. End of the day, one of these has a hard deadline.