Not my best work, but progress all the same!

Dev Log for Sep 2024, Week 37:

Lofty Goal:

I’d like to get the scenario manager a little cleaner, and hopefully start laying down some of the work for the world map.


Holy shit signals kicked my ass today. But now I know to use bind() when I’m connecting a signal with arguments that wasn’t part of the scene at init(). That experience was the full wave of emotions. Shit had me pulling what little hair I have left to screaming in excitement when I got it figured out. Unfortunately it cost me a good bit of the day on top of feeling sluggish and getting a late start, but It’s one of those things that will save me all kinds of time later, so I’m not too mad at it.


I had my pair programming day, which is where I catch my buddy up on the progress and workshop a bunch of good-but-definitely-scope-creep ideas. I was able to get bigger piece of the scenario system up before this though, so now scenarios pull info from any attached skill checks. This is going to involve some re-factoring though, which I think is pretty much my pattern at this point: Design something quick and dirty, then clean it up and compartmentalize it. I actually think it’s not to bad of a system, so long as I keep up on the second part.


I spent today getting ready to work on the items feature, which led me down a research hole. The good news is I think I have a plan, though like most things, I’ll need to try it out to make sure. I did make two interesting discoveries though:
One, it seems that between tutorials and Trinaught (Mostly Trinaught I would imagine), I’ve been using the entity-component pattern with resources without really realizing it. This is mostly a win because it’s another step towards de-mystifying programming patterns and thought streams for me, which I hope will get me a little closer to being passable as a programmer.
The other thing to note is I apparently prefer to duck-type my classes when I build them. This is useful because up until now I would’ve assumed duck-typing was like camel-case, which I now know it’s not. Both of these bits of information come via GDQuest, which I almost forgot is an awesome resource.
While it was a good day for learning, a little less for doing, though I’m more solid on a plan, which is now to try and give the player a reward when they succeed in a scenario!


Today was kind of off. I started laying in the groundwork for items, but just barely. I’d be amazed if it was an hour of work. As long as this isn’t the beginning of a trend, I’m cool with it, but it’s been a while since I’ve had a day like that. Oh well, not going to dwell on it.


Well apparently I’m down bad with something. My energy level is not matching my interest level.


I did manage to get some more code in. Some of it was cleaning old stuff up, which seems to be a trend, but by and large I’m pretty happy with what I got done. Reading up on the networking scared me a bit, but I think if I just beat it up for a few days I might just figure it out. Which is what I think about programming as a whole: With enough time, you will just kind of get it. This is where I should remind you that I’m not exceptionally smart, or with some kind of buff that gets me through this stuff. Mostly what I am is hard headed, which is another way of saying I’m going to just throw myself at it until it clicks.
…Pretty much all I’ve been doing up ’till now.


It was a day…

So how did it go:

I would call this week mid, but there are external factors at play too. I’m sure this next week will see some make-up time at play.